All you never needed to know about me.
If you’re anything like me, you’re probably wondering, “Who in this world is this ole’ boy who wrote a whole book on prayer?”
Well, I could say a lot of things about myself. But probably the most important thing you’ll want to know is that I’m a man of prayer and purpose.
I’m a man of prayer because at 13 years old, I had an encounter with the Lord, where he called me into ministry. This was key because I went through a battle for my life and health for the next 12 years while battling Crohn’s Disease. During this time, I endured countless hospital stays, multiple surgeries, and many embarrassing moments where I would publicly fall down and writhe in pain.
Meanwhile and despite the odds and challenges I was up against, I went into full-time ministry at 18. I married my high school sweetheart, my beautiful wife Jonna, who’s been my bride for 34 years. We had 2 children against all odds and dr.’s reports. Our now adult sons Trey and Corey. Plus we have the most incredible gift of all … grandchildren.
Despite being a “C” and “D” student and often skipping class in high school, God had other plans for me and I ended up making up for lost time in the classroom with my higher education. I earned degrees in Christian Education, Biblical Theology, and Business. In addition, I became an Ordained Minister through the Assemblies of God and a certified coach, teacher, trainer, and speaker through
the Maxwell Leadership Certified Team by John Maxwell.
Jonna and I have pastored at several different churches throughout the years.
And we’ve been the Senior Pastors at MercyGate Church in Mont Belvieu, Texas, for the past 15 years.
We’ve traveled extensively to communicate the good news of Jesus Christ and develop leaders worldwide.
To increase my mission to encourage the church, empower pastors, and equip leaders, I established Donald Gibson Ministries to offer Ministry Leadership Coaching and Corporate Leadership Coaching during this time.
Almost all of this was achieved despite battling a life-threatening disease.
Ultimately, God healed me miraculously from Crohn’s Disease.
But it was the journey that changed me.

I wrote all about my “meantime” on the way to my miracle in my memoir and personal testimony entitled In the Meantime so that you can hang onto hope in the middle of your story. Because it ain’t over until God says it’s over. And one thing I know for sure is that God is a God of miracles and can make even the seemingly impossible possible.
As you might imagine, my health crisis turned into a faith crisis of sorts. No, I never turned away from God. But my heart became hardened at times. Finally, I got to the point where I refused to allow people to pray for me because I hadn’t seen the results I so desperately wanted in my body.
A lot of good came out of the struggle though. Because much like a piece of sand in an oyster is an irritation that ends up producing a pretty pearl (representative of a wealth of layered wisdom), my irritation of God’s timeline versus mine led me to become intrigued by prayer.
Why do we pray?
How do we pray?
What creates a healthy culture and ecosystem of prayer in the church?
Why do some prayers get immediately answered and other prayers, like my grandmother’s famous chocolate layer cake, take time?
I had many questions and was ready for answers.
So I did what I always do! I followed my curiosity and became a student once again. I dug into prayer. As a result of my digging, I found many pearls of wisdom and wrote this book for you as a resource.
When you read Culture of Prayer, you’ll develop a deeper understanding and desire to pray.
You’ll understand that God isn’t committed to a method of prayer, but rather an ECOSYSTEM that prayer. And that you get the divine privilege to partner with God through prayer.
When you pray according to His Word and will, you create a sustainable, healthy ecosystem and culture of prayer in your life, family, and church.
You’ll discover that models or methods aren’t sacred. Prayer is. And that everyone can connect with God through prayer together, we’ll ditch the guilt, judgment, and perfectionism we’ve become so accustomed to in religious circles with prayer and just, well, pray!

I believe everyone can give time to talking and connecting with God. After you read this book, I hope you’ll agree and walk away with the understanding that prayer is not some formula or easy 1-2-3.
Because really prayer is simply a personal relationship for daily communication with God!
Much like a tiny seed containing an oak tree, over time, your small conversations with God are tucked away and produce MASSIVE results. Never underestimate the power of daily communion with God.
This book provides a system by which every person, leader, and the church can pray. It will intern mobilize you and your community toward the Great Commission (see Matthew 28:16-20).