This is CPR for the Church

Prayer ... It Changes Everything

In "Culture Prayer Revival", Donald Gibson shares the story of MercyGate Church as they endeavored to make prayer central to their DNA. Gibson walks readers through the process of transformation while sharing key insights, practical tools and templates, and inspiring testimonies from people who saw a prayer culture come to life firsthand.

If you’ve been yearning to rediscover prayer as a critical priority in your church, this book will convict, exhort, and inspire you to do just that. It all starts with our relationship with the Lord.

When we put that first, revival is sure to follow.



If you think your circumstances are too big or too bad, then you need to meet my God.

While your current situation may seem too dire for God to fix, His Word says otherwise. God is a God of miracles and can make even the seemingly impossible possible.

"In The Meantime"pastor, husband, father, and miracle-recipient Donald Gibson shares his incredible testimony of pain, faith, suffering, hope, and perfectly timed healing from the Lord.

New Release

What does it take to cultivate a culture of prayer in your church?

How would your congregation, and the ministries it supports, be transformed by a strong prayer culture?

What revival would you see in the next twelve months if you devoted yourself to seeking the Lord and surrendering to His will?



The book on leadership is an inverse of modern day leadership.
It will bring to the forefront attributes that make you an over - the - top - leader

such as: being faithful verses famous, humility lived out, and connecting people to others.

"Andrew" will deep dive into the ten qualities that made Jesus's disciple Andrew a rare type of leader, especially against the backdrop of today's culture.



Pastor Greg and Tammy Jenkins -Tomball Assembly of God

Do those served grow as persons? Do they, while being served, become healthier, wiser, freer, more autonomous, more likely themselves to become servants?

In other words, a servant-leader makes those around them better. This describes my friend, Don Gibson; he is a serve-first leader. Spend any time with him and you will quickly learn that he is passionate about helping those around him to become better. You will grow, become healthier, wiser, and freer to become the servant-leader you were created to be.

I have personally benefited from his encouragement, generosity, and willingness to come alongside me in the place of my ministry calling. He is a gift to the Kingdom for our time!

Pastor Greg Thurstonson - Dominion Church

Donald Gibson has become a powerful voice in our country and knows full well how to open up the Heavens over regions, nations, and generations through prayer. This book, like the author, will serve many as a Blueprint for what it takes to tear down spiritual walls and establish authority over your God-given territory.

So grab yourself a cup of coffee, armor up, and get ready to lead from the front as a fiery catalyst and prayer warrior!

Pastors Barney and Cindy Huie - Oasis Church

Don carries a unique and powerful anointing for preaching and teaching with great insight into the word of God. He also has tremendous wisdom for strategic planning, for churches and businesses alike.

He has ministered to my leadership team and congregation here at Oasis Church on various occasions. Each time he made a significant impact and spiritual deposit in our ministry. He will be a great blessing to any church or business group.

Bishop David L. Thomas - President of Legacy Ministries

Gibson’s insight is innovative, clear, and able to open pathways to new strategies in prayer. It keeps the foundational principles and importance of prayer while challenging the methodology that has kept us stagnant and hindered revival.

CPR for the Soul helps us ignite a new prayer journey in our personal life and church.

About the Author

Pastor Donald Gibson

Pastor Donald Gibson is known as the “Pastor to Pastors.” With a deep love for people and the Word, Pastor Don spends most of his time empowering those around him to reach their God-given purpose for their lives.

As a published author and seasoned communicator, Pastor Don uses his education and experience of being a full-time minister for nearly 40 years to equip and empower the next generation of leaders

But rather than being identified by his degrees or credentials, Pastor Don prefers to be known as a mentor, pastor, and friend. He’s been married to his high school sweetheart, Jonna, for over 34 years. They have two sons and proudly step into thier most cherished roles as GiGi and PopPops.

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